The easiest way to contribute financially to the Chaplaincy and each of the churches is through collections at services. We have estimated that the average donation required from each of the people who attend our services is 7€ per person per week (2017). Whilst many people are happy to give this amount, and many give substantially more, it is also the case that many of our congregations do not attend church every week and many travel back to the UK regularly or for visits so do not give at all on those weeks. Unfortunately the cost of running our Chaplaincy remains the same.

In order to make it easy for people to carry on giving even when they may be away or back in the UK we are able to offer the opportunity for people to pay by Standing Order, directly from their bank.

Why contribute by standing order?

There are three main benefits of giving regularly by standing order.

    1. It gives you, the contributor, the means to make decisions about your giving on a regular, prayerful and logical basis.
    1. It is done automatically so there is no need to make sure that you have the right amount of cash when you go to church each week.
    1. The Chaplaincy benefits in that, when the annual budgeting has to be done, the Chaplaincy knows that it can depend on this part of its income.

How can it be arranged? 

It is simply a matter of giving written instructions to your bank to remit a regular sum to the Chaplaincy Bank account. Forms for this purpose can be obtained from the Treasurer who will advise you on how to set up a Standing Order.

You can pay by Standing Order from either a Spanish or a UK bank account. Standing Orders from a Spanish account will be directed to the Chaplaincy account in Spain whilst those from UK bank accounts will be directed to the Chaplaincy bank account with the Diocese in London. This will ensure that there is no complication with exchange rates or bank charges.


If you are a UK taxpayer you can use the UK Gift Aid system to allow the Chaplaincy to reclaim the UK tax already paid on your donation provided you pay sufficient UK tax to cover the tax reclaimed. It does not matter whether your contribution is in Euros from a Spanish account or in Sterling from a UK account you can still use Gift Aid if you pay sufficient tax in the UK. It is simply necessary to complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form which can be obtained from the Treasurer.

For more information on collections/plate giving, setting up a Standing Order and Gift Aid please Contact Churchwardens (see under Our Team).