You may feel unable to contribute financially to the Chaplaincy on an on-going basis but you may want to make either a one-off donation or bestow a legacy to the Chaplaincy after you die. Both of these are an important source of income to us.

Making a One-Off Donation

If you would like to make a one-off donation to the Chaplaincy, for whatever reason, you are able to do so. This may be because you are thankful for something that has happened in your life or the life of someone you love and you want to show your appreciation. Or you or a loved one may have been cured of an illness and want to make a thanksgiving to God through our Chaplaincy. Or you may have your own private reason for wanting to contribute to the life of our Chaplaincy.

If you would like to make a one-off donation please contact our Treasurer (see “Our Team”) who can also tell you about Gift Aid. Or send a message on our “Contact Us” page.

Making a Legacy

Most of us do not like to dwell too much on thoughts of our own mortality. Yet for the Christian, it is essential that we should spend some time contemplating the journey of our life from its beginning to its end. Part of that process is practical as well as spiritual; there are family and friends for whom we might like to make some financial provision, to hand on valued possessions to those whom we love. Whilst we all make a valuable contribution to the Church during our lives it would also seem fitting that we should consider making some financial provision for the continuation of its mission after we have gone. If you would like to consider making a legacy to help continue the work of our Chaplaincy in the future we can help you do this and provide the necessary wording for your will. If you make a legacy either in your UK will or your Spanish will you may avoid paying Inheritance Tax on the Legacy.

We would also be happy to recognise your contribution through some sort of recognition, for example a special Mass in your name held annually, or a plaque attached to anything bought with your bequest, or having something named after you.

If you would like to explore making a Legacy in more detail, contact our Treasurer (see “Our Team”) or send a message on our “Contact Us” page.